How to use this guide

This guide is meant to give you ideas and tips on how to implement the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning into vocational and general subjects. The findings and good practices are gathered from Finland, Italy and Spain in 2020-2021 in relation to the activities organized by the ToVET – Together for future VET skills project.

This guide is complemented by a thorough research conducted by the project consortium. The report of this research can be found in the project’s web site

The content of this guide is divided into several sections. Each section deals with different aspects of key competences.

The first three sections represent the three European frameworks created for the implementation of personal, social and learning to learn, digital and entrepreneurship key competences.

The next sections present different methods that are used in the three partner countries in implementing key competences either in general or in vocational subjects.

The last two sections introduce tools developed in the ToVET project: open badges for key competences and a tool for identifying key competences during an international mobility or other activity.

How to use this guide