Together for Future VETskills (ToVET)
We cooperate with VET schools and companies to boost growth by providing relevant skills for the labour market, promoting a culture of lifelong learning, countering social exclusion and promoting active citizenship.
The Guidebook of Internationalisation Strategy in VET
A guidebook focuses on practical approaches and introduces the findings and good practises from the workshops and existing materials. The guidebook is easy to use, and you can find it here:
Guía de la estrategia de internacionalización (pdf)
Guida alla Strategia di Internazionalizzazione (pdf)
Geographical analysis in partner countries on the benefits of European Cooperation
ToVET Guidebook of Internationalisation Strategy in VET is based on the guide called “Go International – A practical guide on Strategic internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training” which was issued in 2017 by the European Union. The European guide is available here: Go International – A practical guide on Strategic internationalisation in Vocational Education and Training, European Union, 2017
The Guidebook of Key competences
Good practices of implementation of internationalisation among partners to a database.
The existing materials on internationalisation of VET and good practises of implementation of internationalisation among partners.
International strategy workshops for VET providers
We will organize seven International Strategy Workshops for VET schools. The first one was already for partners, next three will be for other VET schools in partner countries and three more in other European countries.
Good practices and tools for Key competences for lifelong learning
A guidebook outlining innovative ways and methods of Implementing Key competences of lifelong learning in different subjects, occupational fields of study and situations in a formal, informal and non-formal setting. The guide book is based on good practices identified in the partner countries.
The guidebook will also outline how the Key competences of lifelong learning can be identified and recognised and give examples of different tools that can be used for this. Amongst other tools that are useful for identifying soft skills developed during international mobility.
Report on the existing material concerning the use of the framework for the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning
Report on good practices and tools for Key competences for lifelong learning in five languages
- Guide on good practices and tools for Key competences for lifelong learning – Report
- Guía de buenas prácticas y herramientas para las competencias clave para el aprendizaje permanente –Informe
- Guida alle buone prassi e agli strumenti per lo sviluppo delle Competenze chiave per l’apprendimento permanente –Rapporto
- Opas hyvistä käytännöistä ja työkaluista elinikäisen oppimisen avaintaitoihin – Raportti
- Guide om god praxis och verktyg för nyckelkompetenser för livslångt lärande – Rapport
Online guide on good practices and tools for Key competences for lifelong learning
Practical tool for implementing and recognising Key competences for lifelong learning during international activities abroad and at home in five languages
- Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in International Activity
- Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in Internationalisation at home activities
- Competencias-clave-para-el-aprendizaje-permanente-en-actividades-de-internacionaliz.pdf
- Competencias clave para el aprendizaje permanente en la actividad internacional
- Competenze Chiave per lapprendimento permanente
- Competenze chiave per lapprendimento permanente nelle attivitA di internazionaliz
- Elinikaisen oppimisen avaintaidot kansainvalisyystoiminnassa
- Elinikaisen oppimisen avaintaidot kotikansainvalisyystoiminnassa
- Nyckelfardigheter ilivslangtlarande iinternationell-verksamhet pahemma
- Nyckelfardigheter i livslangt larande i internationell verksamhet
Open Badges for Key Competences
Open Badges make it possible to make skills and competences more visible and comparable in the labour market on European level. The technology gives the education practitioners the possibility to break the existing barriers between different forms of learning: formal, informal and non-formal. With badges, it is possible to expand recognition of learning outside the formal school setting to all aspects of learner´s lives.
Open Badges for Key competences
Links to language versions of the Open badges for Key competences:
English Finnish Italian Spanish Swedish
VET week events 2020 and 2021
A survey how VET week is organised in different countries and schools. Looking for good practises which could transferred to others.