DigComp and Digital Competence
In order to increase digital skills in Europe two frameworks have been introduced.
A. The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, also known as DigComp 2.1 that offers a tool to improve citizens’ digital competence. DigComp identifies the components of digital competences in five areas:
- Information and data literacy
- Communication and collaboration
- Digital content creation
- Safety
- Problem solving
DigComp 2.1 Digital competence: the vital 21st-century skill for teachers and students
B. A separate framework has been developed for educators. The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) is a scientifically sound framework describing what it means for educators to be digitally competent. DigCompEdu is directed towards educators at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher and adult education, including general and vocational education and training, special needs education, and non-formal learning contexts.
The guide “DigiComp into action -Get inspired and make it happen” gives guidance on how to get started, inspiring case studies and tools to use.
DigComp 2.1 The Digital Competence Framework for Citizen
DigiComp into Action – Get Inspired Make it Happen
Video: Introduction to DigCompEdu
DigComp 2.1 Digital competence: the vital 21st century skill for teachers and students