Open Badges for Key competences

In ToVET project, we have created 16 badges to complement all eight key competences for lifelong learning that the Council for European Union has recommended in the 2018 framework.

The badges are divided into different categories depending on their content and nature. Some are regarded as so-called prerequisite badges and are meant to be achieved before applying for the other badges.

Following the suggested order of badges when applying for them helps you to gain skills in progressive order so that the gained skills and competence help you in obtaining the badges.

The so-called partial badges are parts of several sets of competence and help you obtain more than one Meta badge.

The so-called Meta badges are collective badges combined of two or more content badges. These Meta badges are automatically distributed to an individual who has successfully gained all content badges belonging to it.

Prerequisite badges; to be done first

– Personal and social wellbeing

– Learning to learn


To be done before Digital and Multilingual badges

– Cultural awareness and expression

– Literacy, information search and media criticism

Partial badges

A. Working life skills

B. Sustainability

– Technology and Science

– Mathematics


– Understanding social, economic, legal and political concepts and structures

– Global development

– Partial badge A

– Partial badge B


– Cultural awareness and expression

– Literacy, information search and media criticism

– Digital citizenship

– Online safety and wellbeing

– Partial badge A


– Cultural awareness and expression

– Literacy, information search and media criticism

– Mother tongue

– Foreign language


– Planning and managing a project together with others

– Taking ideas and opportunities into action

– Partial badge B


It is advised that after gaining any of the Open badges, you store and display them either in your Open Badge Passport or in Europass’ My Library section.

In Europass My Library it is beneficial to create a new section for key competences. This enables better and quicker access to the badges especially in a situation when there are more badges from multiple sources.

From these storage places it is also easy to use the badges when necessary to showcase one’s expertise in relevant fields.

Guidance – Open Badges

In order to apply for an Open Badge, you must have a web platform or a cloud storage (e.g. Google Drive, Office365, OneDrive, Dropbox) or a blog to report or to make a presentation on a subject applied for.

The above-mentioned report or presentation you should link to your Open Badge application.

You will find more information about the badge you are applying for by clicking on it.

Click on “more…” to open the required evidence and application form of the badge.

Read the description and especially the required evidence carefully and follow the given instructions.

Fill in the application and link the required attachment file (report, presentation, blog)

You can also add extra proof material as attachments.

Links to language versions of the Open badges for Key competences

English Finnish Italian Spanish Swedish