Kick-off meeting of Networks and partnerships projects in Brussels
EACEA organised a one-day kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ KA3 – Support for Policy Reform, Networks and partnerships of VET providers, Call for proposals EACEA 37/2018 projects in Brussels, Belgium on the 22nd November 2019. All 12 funded projects were present at the occasion. Risto Virkkunen and Mika Heino represented ToVET project in the meeting.
The programme included presentations about policy context and priorities, different EU dissemination channels, namely eTwinning and School Education Platform as well as project, contractual and financial management. To activate the participants, also a workshop about two main topics (contribution to enhancement of VET and project and financial management) was organised.
The day ended with bilateral meetings between the representatives of EACEA and the funded projects. In these meetings project-specific issues were addressed and discussed upon.
The meeting served as a good opportunity to meet the representatives of the other projects, to change ideas and thoughts and to gain information about the expectations of EACEA regarding the project work.