Good Practice Cards
Good practice cards
One of the main tasks to be carried out by the partnership during the preparation phase was the collection of existing materials and good practises (GP) on internationalisation of VET. Indeed, during the last decade, lots of VET providers increased their interest towards internationalization due to the impact that the globalization had on VET system and policies. VET providers proved to be successful in adapting to the new context and in developing winning approaches to get most out of the globalisation. Today, many VET providers in EU countries participate in international projects, are members of international thematic or generic networks, provide their students and staff with the chance to spend period in other countries.
In order to have an idea of the best practices on Internationalisation developed in the last years, the project partners collected the success stories on internationalisation of VET providers in 3 countries, namely Finland, Italy and Basque country.
Overall, more than 50 GPs have been collected both among the partners and among other VET providers in the above-mentioned countries. The results of these GPs have been summarized and displayed in “CARDS”
The criteria used for mapping the GPs were the following:
– innovativeness of the project
– quality of the results
– recognition of the project with special awards (label of excellence etc.)
– outstanding results obtained by the project
– use of reasonable resources and low budget
Most of the GPs that have been selected by the project are related to INTERNATIONALIZATION ABROAD, meaning a range of activities that allow students and staff to spend time abroad and gain international experience under a formal, non-formal, informal training activities within a project. Especially, in Italy and Basque Country the international activities are related to vet mobilities for students and teacher.
This aspect clearly underlines that for VET providers in these countries INTERNATIONALIZATION is strictly related with mobility activities. However, also other activities aiming at the development of VET systems and cooperation amongst VET provider are rather important.